New! Bulk download of polars in Excel format: e220.xlsx
Info | DAT and DXF files | Shape | Venkataraman Fit | Applications (0) | Similarly shaped airfoils
Plain Flapped Shapes: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Basic Data: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl | Curve fits | Lift curve slopes
Data source comparison (Codes, CFD, Wind tunnel)
Compressibility Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Roughness Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Plain Flap Effects: cl,max vs flap deflection: all flap chords | 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cl vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cm vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cd vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Disclaimer: All information presented herein is delivered without guarantee or warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk of use of this information.
The airfoil geometry is obtained through four Bezier curves, two for the upper surface (forward and aft), and two for the lower surface (forward and aft). This ease of construction makes it suitable for ease of use in CAD systems, and in airfoil shape optimization.
DXF file: download
Point | Coordinates |
Leading edge point A | (0.000000, 0.000000) |
Trailing edge C | (0.999750, 0.001720) |
Upper point BU | (0.376890, 0.083600) |
Lower point BL | (0.318130, -0.031460) |
Upper Forward | Upper Rear | Lower Forward | Lower Rear |
(0.000000, 0.000000) | (0.376890, 0.083600) | (0.000000, 0.000000) | (0.318130, -0.031460) |
(0.000000, 0.029577) | (0.590061, 0.083600) | (0.000000, -0.033795) | (0.394011, -0.031460) |
(0.115471, 0.083600) | (0.784031, 0.015881) | (0.318130, -0.031460) | (0.853330, -0.023740) |
(0.376890, 0.083600) | (0.999750, 0.001720) | (0.318130, -0.031460) | (0.999750, 0.001720) |
Deviation from basic shape: 0.001542 (0.1542% of chord) = 1.5 mm on a 1 m chord or 0.074 in on a 48 in chord
Segment | Deviation |
Combined | 0.001542 (0.1542% of chord) |
Upper (all) | 0.000727 (0.0727% of chord) |
Upper Forward | 0.000727 (0.0727% of chord) |
Upper Rear | 0.000395 (0.0395% of chord) |
Lower (all) | 0.001542 (0.1542% of chord) |
Lower Forward | 0.001542 (0.1542% of chord) |
Lower Rear | 0.000574 (0.0574% of chord) |