US1000ROOT (Great Planes R/C Ultra-Sport 1000)
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Info | DAT and DXF files | Shape | Venkataraman Fit | Applications (0) | Similarly shaped airfoils
Plain Flapped Shapes: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Basic Data: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl | Curve fits | Lift curve slopes
Data source comparison (Codes, CFD, Wind tunnel)
Compressibility Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Roughness Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Plain Flap Effects: cl,max vs flap deflection: all flap chords | 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cl vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cm vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cd vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Disclaimer: All information presented herein is delivered without guarantee or warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk of use of this information.
DB Name: us1000root
Family: Uncategorized
Max thickness: 18.6% at x = 26.46% chord
Max camber: 0.0% at x = 0.00% chord
Available data sources:
JavaFoil+Calcfoil stall+Eppler ext transition
Wind Tunnel (UIUC Low-Speed Airfoil Test Program, Vol 3)
XFOIL ncrit=9
Coordinates from UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database
Wind tunnel data from the UIUC Low-Speed Airfoil Test Program.
The UIUC wind tunnel data is covered by the GNU GPL and the airfoil performance data is copyrighted, and restrictions are placed on its use.
The data may be freely copied and used in any way, e.g., for personal use, in magazine articles or with a commercial product. If the data is used in a magazine article or book, the author must reference the appropriate volume of Summary of Low-Speed Airfoil Data and give the address of where it can be obtained. If the data is used in a commercial product, there must be no extra charges for providing it - other than the cost of reproduction and distribution. All products that make use of this data must conspicuously state that it was produced under the UIUC Low-Speed Airfoil Test program, and no restrictions can be placed on the recipient with respect to their use of the source data. Furthermore, they must be allowed to copy the original data and freely distribute it as well.
A copy of the license, the copyright notice and the UIUC Low-Speed Airfoil Tests Manifesto (manifest.html) must be included with each distribution of the data.
NeuralFoil data computed using Peter Sharpe's NeuralFoil: An airfoil aerodynamics analysis tool using physics-informed machine learning, 2023, GitHub repository: Version 0.3.1 xxxlarge