FX 05-188
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Info | DAT and DXF files | Shape | Venkataraman Fit | Applications (0) | Similarly shaped airfoils
Plain Flapped Shapes: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Basic Data: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl | Curve fits | Lift curve slopes
Data source comparison (Codes, CFD, Wind tunnel)
Compressibility Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Roughness Effects: cl vs α | cd vs α | cm vs α | cl/cd vs α | cd vs cl | cl/cd vs cl | cl vs cd | cm vs cl
Plain Flap Effects: cl,max vs flap deflection: all flap chords | 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cl vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cm vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Plain Flap Effects: cd vs α for various flap deflections: 25% flap chord | 30% flap chord | 35% flap chord | 40% flap chord
Disclaimer: All information presented herein is delivered without guarantee or warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk of use of this information.
DB Name: fx05188
Family: Wortmann
Max thickness: 18.8% at x = 39.72% chord
Max camber: 2.6% at x = 51.94% chord
Available data sources:
JavaFoil+Calcfoil stall+Eppler ext transition
XFOIL ncrit=9
CFD (Gotten et. al.)
Wind tunnel (Wortmann)
Coordinates from UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database https://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads/coord_database.html
CFD Data from Gotten. et. al., "A Highly Automated Method for Simulating Airfoil Characteristics at low Reynolds Number using a RANS-transition Approach," Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2019, https://www.dglr.de/publikationen/2020/490026.pdf
Wind tunnel data from Wortmann, F. X., "Experimentelle Untersuchungen an neuen Laminarprofilen fur Segelflugzeuge und Hubschrauber: Mitteilung aus dem Institut fur Gasstromungen der TH Stuttgart," Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften; Vol. 5, No. 8, 1957, pp. 228-243.
NeuralFoil data computed using Peter Sharpe's NeuralFoil: An airfoil aerodynamics analysis tool using physics-informed machine learning, 2023, GitHub repository: https://github.com/peterdsharpe/NeuralFoil. Version 0.3.1 xxxlarge